Queen’s Court Townhome Association
Rules for the Clubhouse Pool
- There is no lifeguard on duty- swim at your own risk
- All guests and children must be accompanied by an adult resident
a] Children of Residents, aged 16 and under MUST be accompanied by a Resident Adult (18 or older) - Gates must be kept locked at all times
- No glass containers are allowed in the pool area
- No pets are allowed
- No diving, running, or rowdy behavior permitted
- Swimmers must wear appropriate swim attire
- Vandalism of any kind will not be allowed
- Pool hours are 7:00am to 10:00pm
- No Smoking
To request a pool key, fill out this form and drop in the clubhouse mailbox.
Queen’s Court Townhouse Association, Inc.
18222 Vinland Drive
Nassau Bay, TX 77058
I, ___________________________________, an approved Resident/Owner of Queen’s Court
Townhouse Association, Inc., residing at the address of _______________________________
_________________________________________________________ do hereby deposit 35.00 with Queen’s
Court Townhouse Association, Inc. for a security key for the pool gate and bathroom, which I understand may not be copied, sold, transferred, loaned or given to any other individual to use. If I move from Queen’s Court Townhouse Association Inc., I will return the key to QCTHA and submit a completed Refund Request Form for a refund of my deposit within thirty days of my end of occupancy and/or sale of property, or I acknowledge I will forfeit my right to request a refund and QCTHA may keep the funds to offset their expenses. If I lose the key, I understand I must purchase a replacement under the same terms. I have read the POOL RULES posted and agree to abide by all the provision therein or I may forfeit my key and deposit for failure to comply with the POOL RULES.
SIGNED: ________________________________________ DATED: ______________________
POOL KEY ISSUED BY: _________________________________________ ____________________________________
(Signature) (Print Name)
DEPOSIT PAID BY: _______________________________________ DATED: __________________________
(Cash, check, money order or other)
Queen’s Court Townhouse Association, Inc.
18222 Vinland Drive
Nassau Bay, TX 77058
Request is hereby made by the following individual: __________________________________,
who is/was at the address of ________________________________________, to the Treasurer of Queen’s Court Townhouse Association, Inc. to refund the $ __________________________ deposit paid on _____________________________, to Queen’s Court Townhouse Association, Inc. as a refundable deposit for a key to the Pool Gate and Bathrooms. I have delivered the physical key to: ________________________________ on this date: _____________________,
The acceptance of which is evidenced below. SIGNED: ________________________________
The undersigned hereby acknowledges receipt of the pool gate key and authorizes the Queen’s Court Treasurer to make payment within 30 days to: _________________________________, at the following address: ________________________________________________________ KEY RECEIVED BY: ________________________________, on __________________________
Print Name and position: ______________________________________________
Email form to: queenscourthoa@gmail.com