Saturday, August 29, 2020

WELCOME to Queen's Court Townhouses HOA 

 Queen's Court is a unique community of 64 townhouses in Nassau Bay, just across NASA Road #1 from Space Center Houston.  We pride ourselves in the individuality and neatness of each townhouse, some are single story and some two story.

Our swimming pool (hours 7a-10p) and attached clubhouse are available to all our members.  There is a refundable deposit on the pool key and a rental fee for use of the spacious clubhouse.

Pets must be on a leash at all times.  Neighbors are very supportive of one another.  Our elected five member board of trustees meets monthly, on the third Thursday at 6p at the clubhouse.  Everyone is welcome.  


Do you realize that Queen's Court has the only street Round About in all Nassau Bay?  

What do you know about the giant pillar in the middle of the Round About?  The pillar was originally on a large public building in Galveston, maybe court house, that needed to be demolished.  One of our builders thought it would be great to have one in Nassau Bay, and so we have a giant pillar. Some of the other pillars are located in other places in the larger Houston area.  Let us know if you know more details.